📘 Problem Brief
Design an app that allows retailers to order fruits and vegetables directly from the farmers.
👁🗨 Context
You are the product designer of a B2B company that transports fruits and vegetables from farmers and delivers them to retailers who own and run small grocery stores. Through this app, retailers can buy fruits or vegetables directly from farmers of their choice.
🔒 Constraints (pre-defined)
Here are a few constraints that you need to consider.
- The retailer can place orders only for the next day.
- Each fruit or vegetable may have one of the following 3 grades. Each grade has a different price. The 3 grades are Premium, Regular, and Economy. For example, there may be Premium Grade Carrots, Regular Grade Carrots, and Economy Grade Carrots.
- And for each fruit or vegetable, there can be more than one farmer selling for different prices. For example, there may be 4 farmers selling Premium Grade Carrot at different or the same prices. The same farmer can be selling Regular carrots and Economy carrots.
- Each fruit or vegetable item will be prepacked in a large box and retailers can add multiple of these boxes to buy.
- Order will be placed once the user makes the payment.
- You have complete flexibility with regard to choosing the font, colours and visual language of the UI.
- All your interfaces need to be designed for Android (360px wide).
📤 Deliverables
- Clearly define the Problem Statement.
- Create ‘How Might We’s’ to clearly define what the actual problem is.
- Create user flows in FigJam that depict the happy flow from when the retailer opens the app until the time when the goods are delivered to the retailer’s location.
- Also, create user flows for edge cases that may occur.
- Create user personas to clearly define who the target users of the app are.